No you will not look silly, ‘cause if you not receive any gifts, you probably did not share the registry with friends, family and wedding guests. They never knew about it!

Seriously, if the down payment gift registry fails to raise any funds, it is typically because the couple created a full, retail gift registry for “stuff” elsewhere or did not share the link.

Some prefer to gift offline, and that is okay! Remember, your guests can pledge online and gift funds offline so it shows toward your goal for buying a house.  You can also enter pledges from your dashboard to track your progress. If someone gave you a verbal pledge of their intent to contribute to the registry, you can enter the pledge for them and then marked as Received or Paid at a later date.

Telling and showing guests and family about your page will let them know you are saving for a house. They may decide to bring a card with cash or check and leave it at the gift table at your wedding. You’ll simply deposit those funds alongside your down payment gift registry funds. 

(Make a record of cash gift received and save a copy of checks deposited as well. This also helps with thank you cards!  ...and the papertrail can help with a mortgage if you but immediately in the next two months.)